for GROUP Leaders
On March 1 we will begin a 6-week series covering the first 11 chapters of Acts. We would love for you to study along with us in your group.
Acts: The Church Moves Forward
The book of Acts begins with Jesus ascending into Heaven and leaving behind a small band of followers to continue His mission and establish His church. As they took their first steps on this journey, this new movement called the Church would experience highs and lows that they never had before. They would perform miracles and be thrown into prison. They would travel to new lands and encounter new threats from old foes. They would see thousands of outsiders come to faith in Jesus and they would experience the bitter heartache of internal division. But no matter what they faced, they refused to give up or stay still. If we can learn one thing from the lessons of Acts, it is that in every situation, THE CHURCH MOVES FORWARD. Even today.
Series Overview:
March 7. The Church Moves Forward: Acts 1-3 (Focus on 1:4-11; 2:1-14)
March 14. The Church Moves Forward in Boldness: Acts 4 (Focus on: 4:1-31)
March 21. The Church Moves Forward in Power: Acts 5 (Focus on: 5:12-32)
March 28. The Church Moves Forward in Persecution: Acts 6-8 (Focus on 6:8-7:60)
April 4. The Church Moves Forward in Vision: Acts 9-11 (Focus on 10:1-11:18)
April 11. The Church Moves Forward in Mission: Acts 11 (Focus: Acts 11:19-26)
How to Prepare for this Series
There is no one right way to lead this study. Below are some suggestions we hope will help. Feel free to adapt this to fit your GROUP.
Call or text GROUP members prior to each week. Encourage them to...
Attend Church each week or watch online
Read the passage in Acts prior to your GROUP time.
Write down things of interest or questions and bring to GROUP
NOTE: We highly recommend each member purchase the ESV SCRIPTURE JOURNAL: ACTS. (Only 5.99 on Amazon) to take notes during the series and at GROUP.
NOTE: CLICK HERE to get a free subscription to RIGHTNOW MEDIA.
Use RIGHT NOW MEDIA. Try ACTS. By Matt Chandler or ACTS. By David Platt
ALSO CONSIDER using these video series as homework each week for your GROUP!​
NOTE: CLICK HERE to get a free subscription to RIGHTNOW MEDIA.
Use Online Bible Study Tools. Try ​Bible Study Tools - Commentaries​ or Precept Austin - Acts​
Buy a commentary. We recommend...
The NIV Application Commentary
We also have a variety of commentaries available at the church office available upon request
Plan enough time to eat and hang out with your GROUP prior to bible study time
Use the GROUP guide provided on Sunday as a starting point for weekly conversation
Have someone else read a portion of the text from Acts
Discuss the questions provided in the GROUP Guide for that scripture.
Ask everyone to take notes in their journal or in their ESV SCRIPTURE JOURNAL.