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Visiting a new church can be intimidating.
You never know what to expect.
That's why we created this page.
Have other questions? Contact us HERE.
Hope to see you on Sunday!

What Should I Wear?
We want you to feel as comfortable as possible so whatever that looks like for you will work for us. You won't find many suits and ties at Cornerstone but more jeans and shorts. If you feel more comfortable dressing up then that is fine with us as well. We aren't concerned with outward appearances but focused on inward transformations. Bottom line...come as you are!!
What Should I Wear?
What About My Kids?
When you walk in through the front doors ask one of our guest service volunteers about where to check in for "Cornerstone Kids." We have environments for kids ranging from newborn to 12 years old. You will check your child in and be given a tag so that only you can come get your child after service is over. Every person that will be around your children will have gone through a background check and most are experienced teachers. We also have security set up so we promise your kids will be safe and will have tons of fun!

What About My Kids?
What Do I Do When I Get There?

Service starts at 10:00 AM. We encourage people to arrive 15-20 min. early. Walk through the glass lobby doors, where you will be greeted. We have donuts, coffee, and other refreshments so grab whatever you want from our coffee bar. Check in your kids if you have any then grab a seat in the auditorium and get ready for some worship from our awesome band!
What Do I Do When I Get There?
How Long Will I Be There?
Our services are right around 65 min. long. A typical service starts with a countdown and then our announcements. The band will come up and play 3 contemporary songs. If you're new here we have bibles available for you to borrow or keep. The message is always biblical, challenging and applicable.

About The Service?
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