Real Mature (W1D1) Grace and Peace

Week 1. Monday: Grace and Peace
PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word.
READ: Philippians 1:1-2
1 Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons: 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
UNDERSTAND: get a deeper understanding of the key words
Begin by underlining nouns with a single line, double underline verbs, and circle descriptive words.
Make a list of the key words/phrases and think about what they mean.
Snapshot: In this passage Paul is greeting the people in the church of Philippi (God’s holy people) and its leaders (overseers and deacons). At the time of his writing (62 A.D.), Paul was imprisoned in Rome. His letter to the Philippians is by far the most positive and encouraging. Paul encourages the Philippians to continue to live out the Gospel by serving others.
APPLY: What is this passage calling me to do?
Paul refers to the church as “God’s holy people.” To be holy is to be set apart from the world around you. In what ways should we be different in the way we live?
Paul mentions “grace and peace” in verse two. In what ways have you experienced the grace and peace of God in your life?
PRAY: Ask God to help you be more holy as you love and serve Him.