Light of the World (W2D3) Worship

NOTE: The Light of the World devotions will be different than our previous devotions. In order to use these video devotions you will need a Right Now Media account. If you attend Cornerstone a RNM account is free. If you do not have an account CLICK HERE to receive your FREE INVITE.
Wednesday. Week 2.
Worship was the reason the Magi made such a long journey to find Jesus. Read Matthew 2:2 and 2:9-12. Worship is so much more than singing a song at church. Worship is making God the central point of life --without pretending or performing.
Today's devotion will be a 2-part-er...
1. Watch a short video on worship by Christian artist and worship leader Jimmie Needham and answer a fer questions about worship. CLICK HERE to begin.
2. Spend a few minutes searching your bible for verses about worship (or maybe google "Worship bible verses"). Write down what you learn. Here are a few to get you started...
John 4:21-24
Romans 12:1-2
Psalm 100:1-5