Get In The Game (W1D5)
Friday: The Result of Devotion PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: Acts 2:47b And the Lord added to their number daily...

Get In The Game (W1D4) Together
Week 1. Thursday: Together PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: Acts 2:46-47a 46 Every day they continued to meet...

Get In The Game (W1D3) Generous
Week 1. Wednesday: Generous PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: Acts 2:44-45 44 All the believers were together and had...

Get In The Game (W1D2) Amazed
Tuesday: Amazed PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: Acts 2:43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and...

Get In The Game (W1D1) Dwvoted
Week 1. Monday: Devoted PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: Acts 2:42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching...

Prepare for Sunday - Get In The Game
Saturday: Prepare for Sunday REVIEW: Take a few minutes to make a list of what you’ve learned this week. PRAY: Ask God to use this time...

James (W12D5) Be Accountable
Week 12. Friday. Be Accountable PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: James 5:19-20 19 My brothers and sisters, if one of...

James (W12D4) Elijah
Week 12. Thursday. Elijah PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: James 5:17-18 17 Elijah was a human being, even as we are....

James (W12D3) Confession Time
Week 12 Wednesday. Confession Time PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: James 5:16 16 Therefore confess your sins to each...

James (W12D2) Prayer of Faith
Week 12. Tuesday PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: James 5:15 15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick...