Better (W4D1) All Alone
Week 4. Monday: All Alone PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: Ecclesiastes 4:7-8 7 Again I saw something meaningless...
Better (W3D6) Prepare for Sunday
Saturday: Prepare for Sunday REVIEW: Take a few minutes to make a list of what you’ve learned this week. PRAY: Ask God to use this time...
Better (W3D5) Satisfied
Friday: Satisfied PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 18 This is what I have observed to be good:...
Better (W3D4) Can't Take It With You
Thursday: Can't Take It With You PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: Ecclesiastes 5:13-17 13 I have seen a grievous...
Better (W3D3) Never Enough
Week 3. Wednesday: Never Enough PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: Ecclesiastes 5:10-12 10 Whoever loves money never...
Better (W3D2) Less is More
Week 3. Tuesday: Less Is More PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: Ecclesiastes 4:5-6 5 Fools fold their hands and ruin...
Better (W3D1) Envious
Week 3. Monday: Envious PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: Ecclesiastes 4:4 4 And I saw that all toil and all...
Better (W2D6) Prepare for Sunday
Saturday: Prepare for Sunday REVIEW: Take a few minutes to make a list of what you’ve learned this week. PRAY: Ask God to use this time...
Better (W2D5) Number Your Days
Week 2. Friday: Number Your Days PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days, that we...
Better (W2D4) Be Happy and Do Good
Week 2. Thursday: Be Happy and Do Good PRAY: Ask God to speak to you from His Word. READ: Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 12 I know that there is...