Light of the World (W2D5) Joy

NOTE: The Light of the World devotions will be different than our previous devotions. In order to use these video devotions you will need a Right Now Media account. If you attend Cornerstone a RNM account is free. If you do not have an account CLICK HERE to receive your FREE INVITE.
Friday. Week 2.
When Heror encounterd Jesus the bible said he was "disturbed." He began to scheme and plan and stress to protect his world. The bible goes on to say that because Herod was disturbed all of Jeruselem was disturbed with him. On the other side, when the Magi encountered Jesus the bible says there overjoyed. They found exactly what they were looking for and with it came peace and satisfaction.
Which sounds better -- disturbed, threatened, scared, scheme … or … OVERJOYED
In the original language it took three words to make up this one word: Exceeding Great Joy
Exceeding meaning more than expected or a high degree of; Great meaning great things; and Joy meaning calm delight ... satisfaction.
When we experience Jesus personally he gives us exactly what we need. No matter what is happening this Christmas season, because of what happened, Jesus is enough for us in any situation.
CLICK HERE to begin a video lesson on "God is Enough." Take a few minutes to really consider what it takes to make you truly satisfied in life.